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Great to see you here and thanks for your interest

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I wonder if you are curious about alternative health in general and Jikiden Reiki in particular - or if you have experienced Reiki before?


You've read what Jikiden Reiki is and also my client testimonials? 


Let me tell you a little bit about my journey. 


In 2011 - I managed a health food shop in Edinburgh - a customer told me about Jikiden Reiki. I had heard of (Western) Reiki before, but I was so much more fascinated by Jikiden Reiki's authenticity and started my Jikiden Reiki training with Tadao Yamaguchi Sensei a few months later.

It blew me away, I noticed the energy flow, my clients experienced notable benefits and over the years I've supported many clients - from babies to 90-year olds and from 'believers' to people who are still very sceptical about alternative health, let alone energy treatments - but even they noticed a reduction of pain. 


In 2018 I moved to Ramsgate and although I never opened a treatment room,
I have treated a number of clients remotely. 


In fact, I was involved in treating NHS health professionals as part of a big healing project during Covid, where Reiki practitioners treated NHS staff remotely.

You can find out more here and it would be amazing, if allopathic medicine could see the benefits of energy work (some doctors already do, though). 


Anyway, I'd love to support you - whether it is with the much needed relaxation
and "put your mind at ease" boost you crave, or a physical health challenge you don't seem to be able to shift ... do consider giving Jikiden Reiki a go and
discover its amazing benefits for yourself.


Remember, you don't even need to believe in it - allow yourself to trust your own body to kick off your self-healing capacities. 


I can't wait to hear from you!





Photo credit: Rebecca Douglas

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