The comedian Michael Pritchard once said “You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”, so let's do something about it ...

As we grow older, we laugh less. According to a study* many seniors abandon their exercise programmes due to a lack of motivation. By incorporating laughter into their exercise, participants experienced it as an enjoyable addition. Laughter provided the motivation to take part in other activities and it improved their mental health and aerobic endurance.
Beat the retirement blues and improve your health!
Even though, dementia and Alzheimer's disease leave many seniors unable to understand jokes, Laughter Yoga is different. It is not about cognitive understanding, but about exercising and mood boosting. Please get in touch if you want to bring the benefits of Laughter Yoga to your residential home, online only for now, but in-person in Thanet when circumstances allow it again in a safe manner. * Source: Dr M Kataria: Dr J Craft Morgan, Georgia State University